With the Ecole du Louvre, the Fondation Etrillard has decided to use their endowment fund support original research into the links and associations between the arts of the past and the arts of the present. The Fondation Etrillard sponsors a scholarship for a postgraduate student during their three-year thesis (2021-2024). This project reflects the Foundation's mission to build bridges between European tradition and culture and the contemporary world. The results of the research will be presented in summer courses given by the PhD student to academic auditors and published in a scientific article in the Louvre’s Carnets de l'École.
The Fondation Etrillard also funds a “bourse de vie”: a grant to provide a student with conditions conducive to completing their undergraduate studies. By funding this scholarship, the Foundation honours its commitment to making art accessible to people with insufficient means. The Fondation Etrillard also funds a “bourse de vie”: a grant to provide a student with conditions conducive to completing their undergraduate studies. By funding this scholarship, the Foundation honours its commitment to making art accessible to people with insufficient means.